Richard asked if I would assist him his new Outdoor Education course that he was running for a few of the sixth years. Obviously I jumped at the chance!
We weren't sure what the weather was going to do so we decided to play it by ear. When we met just before lunch, the sky was bright but overcast, mild and there was little wind: a great day for climbing we thought. We headed over the Forth Road Bridge and took the turn-off towards Limekilns. It wasn't long before we were through Rosyth and parking the mini bus behind the row of houses in the village. We grabbed all the gear and set off through the woods towards The Gellett Rock. It was actually a lot easier to find than I had thought.
Richard had said that he wanted to rig the top ropes on The Gellet face. So while he was away rigging, I briefed the group and helped them to put on their helmets and harnesses. Richard did a great job and we were soon ready to give the kids a demo in belaying and holding a fall. After that, there was no stopping them; they were straight on the rock. It was great fun coaching the kids and trying to get them up the routes cleanly. They did brilliantly; considering the difficulty of the routes on offer. It remained mild and the rain stayed away. It was the perfect afternoon and great to get away from the desk.