Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Braids

It's been a while since my last blog entry as this summer has been quite busy since returning from our trip to Northern Ireland.
Hillend and Allermuir Hill from Braid Hills
Hillend and Allermuir Hill from Braid Hills
Tonight I managed to make the most of a lovely evening and have a quick blast up Blackford Hill and The Braids. Not much to report on but I did have some lovely views of Arthur's Seat and The Pentlands from the summit trig on The Braids. There was also some amazing rays from the sun coming through the clouds over Craiglockhart.
Arthur's Seat from Braid Hills
Arthur's Seat from Braid Hills
Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me but I managed to snap a few shots with my phone. Hopefully I'll have more exciting things to write about in the near future as August approaches.
Rays over Craiglockhart from Braid Hills
Rays over Craiglockhart from Braid Hills