Taking advantage of a cracking evening, I headed up to Dreghorn Junction and parked the car near Chuckie Knowe. Time was against me but I managed to blast straight up Allermuir Hill and had a great view over to the Scald Law ridge.
Looking South to Scald Law from the side of Allermuir Hill, Pentland Hills |
Looking South to Scald Law from Capelaw Hill, Pentland Hills |
Sunset from Harbour Hill, Pentland Hills |
Sunset from Harbour Hill, Pentland Hills |
I then headed West to the bealach and up to the summit of Capelaw Hill and then on to Harbour Hill. I managed to snap a few nice pictures with my phone before the sun went down and I made my decent down to Torduff Reservoir and looped back round to the car - a lovely evening.