For the past week I have been performing the stretching programme I was given on a daily basis. My thigh is still extremely tight, despite my best efforts to stretch the injured muscles. Although painful, the stretching has seemed to help slightly. After stretching, I have been applying ice immediately afterwards which has helped to relieve the pain.
Today I had my second appointment with Ross at SPACE and he spent the first few minutes pressing hard on my injury sites. The pain was horrendous and made me feel quite sick - but I could see the point of it. Ross then decided to try some acupuncture, as he was finding it difficult to target the deeper injury site in my sartorious - and he said it would be less painful... but it wasn't!
The next 20 minutes or so was agony. After positioning several needles in my muscles, Ross began to 'tweak' each of them until it hurt. As he moved the needles further into the injury site, each movement was like someone holding a naked flame on your skin (only deep inside your leg) for a few seconds and then fading until the needle was tweaked again.
I'm not gonna lie: it was quite painful, but my leg is feeling much better and is certainly less tight this evening. After a hot bath, I noticed that I now had some bruising at the injury site on my sartorious in the middle of the front of my thigh.
Ross has given me some more stretches and has said that he wants me to start jogging lightly - getting there... slowly!